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Displaying Donor 51 - 61 of 61 in total

Donor 1253908

  • Eye colour: medium-blue
  • Hair colour: light-brown
  • Height: 168
  • Ethnicity: White - Polish (CP)
  • CMV status: negative
  • Blood type: A+

Donor 1253909

I didn’t realise donating was an option before, and after talking amongst friends & family I realised that it’s a gift to be able to share this with someone. I have seen friends becoming pregnant, struggling with pregnancy & even some friends having no eggs to freeze. To be able to help with this would be a total pleasure and a joy. I hope my gift to you will bring you all the happiness and love that you deserve . Good luck! with your journey .

  • Eye colour: blue-grey
  • Hair colour: blond
  • Height: 173
  • Ethnicity: White - British (A)
  • CMV status: positive
  • Blood type: O-

Donor 1253917

I would be honoured to support a single parent or couple start or extend their own family. I believe that children are a gift and I would love to support with giving this to someone.

  • Eye colour: hazel
  • Hair colour: dark-brown
  • Height: 166
  • Ethnicity: White - other (C3)
  • CMV status: negative
  • Blood type: A-

Donor 1253940

Married in a same sex relationship. Tried to conceive through IUI and IVF with her wife, who after suffering losses, had their beautiful son. After testing realised that she was in a better position, fertility wise, and could help another family by donating. She realises how tough and cruel the journey to parenthood can be. Would love to bring joy to even one family who may not have had the chance of children.

  • Eye colour: hazel
  • Hair colour: light-brown
  • Height: 158
  • Ethnicity: White - British (A)
  • CMV status: negative
  • Blood type: A+

Donor 1253968

"I am lucky enough to be able to conceive children and the idea that someone has been told they are unable to breaks my heart. Every woman deserves the option to be a mother, whatever the situation. I care a lot for people and especially those who are vulnerable, all my jobs have involved helping and supporting people one way or another. My life ambition was to save or change the direction of at least one persons life. I do that every day." I know this is just another thing I can say has positively impacted a family.

  • Eye colour: medium-brown
  • Hair colour: dark-brown
  • Height: 165
  • Ethnicity: White - British (A)
  • CMV status: positive
  • Blood type:

Donor 1253981

To help others

  • Eye colour: medium-brown
  • Hair colour: dark-brown
  • Height: 158
  • Ethnicity: White - Other European (CY)
  • CMV status: positive
  • Blood type: A+

Donor 1253982

Wanted to help others

  • Eye colour: medium-brown
  • Hair colour: dark-brown
  • Height: 173
  • Ethnicity: White - British (A)
  • CMV status: negative
  • Blood type: AB+

Donor 1253983

Believes that everyone deserves to start a family and wanted to help.

  • Eye colour: medium-blue
  • Hair colour: light-brown
  • Height: 162
  • Ethnicity: White - British (A)
  • CMV status: positive
  • Blood type: A+

Donor OD11195

To help others

  • Eye colour: medium-brown
  • Hair colour: light-brown
  • Height: 153
  • Ethnicity: White - Other European (CY)
  • CMV status: positive
  • Blood type: O+

Donor OD11198

A donor who wished to help others because she was not ready to start her own family and had seen couples struggle with infertility.

  • Eye colour: medium-brown
  • Hair colour: medium-brown
  • Height: 153
  • Ethnicity: White - Other European (CY)
  • CMV status: negative
  • Blood type: O+

Donor OD11203

Would like to help - sense of altruism

  • Eye colour: medium-brown
  • Hair colour: light-brown
  • Height: 168
  • Ethnicity: White - Other European (CY)
  • CMV status: negative
  • Blood type: A+
Displaying Donor 51 - 61 of 61 in total